Mount and blade warband blood and iron
Mount and blade warband blood and iron

mount and blade warband blood and iron mount and blade warband blood and iron

Eight days sail northwest of Great Wyk is a smaller grouping of thirteen clustered around the Lonely Light. The main grouping of islands numbers thirty-one, with the seven major isles being Pyke, Great Wyk, Old Wyk, Harlaw, Saltcliffe, Blacktyde, and Orkmont. They are roughly west of the riverlands, northwest of the westerlands, and south of the north. The Iron Islands is an archipelago in Ironman's Bay, located in the Sunset Sea off the western coast of Westeros.

mount and blade warband blood and iron

Great Wyk, largest of the isles, by Juan Carlos Barquet © Fantasy Flight Games

Mount and blade warband blood and iron